I decided that since I want to keep more people ( children and adults alike) reading . There will be a monthly book give away on the blog.
How to enter
1. Visit the blog ( often and leave a comment)
2. Follow on Twitter (@mtakintunde)
3. Follow on Instagram(@mimmiet)
4. Like the facebook page (not your average nigerian teacher)
5.At the end of each month a winner will be RANDOMLY selected
Please note that for now, this giveaway is only open to Nigerian residents ( I have limited it only because this is the pilot project). My readers all over the world will soon participate.
The winner of the first (October) Giveaway takes home 5000 naira worth of book.
Subesquent winners will have 3000 naira worth of books
May the best man, woman or child win!!!
Also always don't forget to follow, share and comment.
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